NANAIRO S$2 Shop at Liang Court Singapore is similar to DAISO, the popular S$2 shop but on a smaller scale. Nanairo sells a variety of cosmetics, nail polishes, hair accessories, personal grooming products, iPhone 4 screen protectors, food, snacks, stationery,toys, games, knicks knacks, storage and household goods.
At Nanairo S$2 shop, I purchased 4 eyeshadow palettes and 2 nail polish. The no frills clear plastic packaging is similar to drugstore brands and the products are made in Japan.
Nanairo KiraKira Eyeshadows in Purple Variation Quad #06 and Green Variation Quad #03
NANAIRO Wet eyeshadow quad and LC 12 colour pastel palette.
NANAIRO Nail Polish