
23 June 2011


FANCL Makeup embraces the unique MUTENKA (無添加) philosophy to nurture and beautify your skin. Preservative-free,  fresh,  pure, safe with no artificial coloring and free from  stressful elements,  FANCL point makeup contains only potent beauty agents that actively work to enhance your skin’s natural beauty.
Mu ten ka 
FANCL’s point makeup brilliant  hues  are  extracted  from  natural mineral  ore and  combined with  Reflective Color  Powder  so  colors appear brighter and more brilliant. Further, FANCL uses unique skincare formula with Lamella Care Powder to nurture healthy and beautiful skin by enhancing your  skin’s  barrier  functions  to  strengthen  the  skin’s  ability  to  guard  against  external  irritants in the point makeup, without  imposing stress and your skin stays healthy underneath the makeup.  
FANCL makeup
Another essential in FANCL point makeup is that it is formulated with Pearl Powder and Moisturizing Silk Essence. The Silky Pearl Essence enhances the effect  of  the  skin’s natural beauty and makes  skin appear healthier and more radiant. Pearl  Powder gives a glossy and smooth satin sheen while disguising skin dullness while Moisturizing Silk Essence creates  a  veil  on  the  skin’s  surface  to  keep  it  moist  and  smooth and your makeup colors stay longer.
Fancl Point Makeup 
Fancl Point makeup consists of Moisture Rouge Lipsticks,  Lip Gloss, Cheek Colors, highlight color, eye colors, creamy eye base, mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and nail and nail polishes to highlight your features and bring out your beauty naturally.  FANCL point make up is available at all FANCL stores.